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A long time lover of the outdoors and supporter of youth activities, especially Scouting America. An SA leader since 1995, Dave led two sons to Eagle Scout, started a Pack and a Crew. Dave has been teaching Wilderness Medical skills since 2006 as a Wilderness First Aid instructor, Wilderness First Responder instructor and director of a Wilderness Advanced Life Support class. Dave has edited texts in the field of Wilderness Medicine and published an article in the peer-reviewed medical literature. Originally trained as a Family physician, Dave also spent 7 years as an Emergency Department physician prior to returning to the office and training as a Wilderness Medicine physician. He earned his Fellow of the Academy of Wilderness Medicine in 2008. In the Spring 2015 climbing season, he served as a camp physician at Base Camp, Mount Everest.


Active in Boy Scouts of America since Tiger Cubs, Hunter earned his Eagle Scout in 2007. He spent the Summer of 2011 as a High Adventure Trek Leader at Camp Daniel Boone and is currently an Assistant Scout Master of Troop 458. As an infantry officer, Hunter has taken the US Army's Combat Lifesaver Course, in addition to Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness Advanced Life Support. Hunter enjoys ocean and river activities, especially kayaking. He also enjoys shooting sports and horseback riding. Hunter has trekked in the US, Mexico, Europe, and Oceania, and has a black belt in Hei Wa Do Karate.

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Professional re-enactor, freelance educator, and life-long outdoor enthusiast.  Seth has been active in the Scouting movement since 1997.  His medical experiences are mostly from the backcountry, with some work in a small hospital.  WFR trained, internationally traveled, and outdoor experienced, Seth lives in Western North Carolina with his wife and daughter.


Public school psychologist and life-long outdoorsman. David is excited to combine his professional training with his love for the outdoors.

    Go beyond your boundaries.




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